Easy Workplace Management with ADHD at Home Traditional office workplace environments can pose quite the challenge for those of us who deal with ADHD.  There’s a ton of stimuli being thrown at you at any given time, and it’s your responsibility to prioritize and maximize your workload efficiency. Of course, the same is true, perhaps...

ADHD and Your Inner Career Game For many years, career assessments have been offered as a way to identify “the best” career option. But let’s face it, how often have you taken an assessment and identified a career direction that you follow up on and really went for it?  Or did you skip the informational...

Recently, my trusted advisor/coach told me today that it is time to get out and use my natural gifts and talents of teaching, coaching and healing now! In other words, I got the royal kick in the booty. And since my specialization is in the career world, specializing in ADHD, I am here to say...