
Working with Shell has been awesome. She takes a very personalized approach and helps you stay true to yourself as you explore career ideas. Shell is clearly passionate about her work and puts that energy into helping boost your confidence and perseverance throughout the process.

Finding a career expert who gets how your ADHD brain works can be life-changing. Shell has a unique way to slow down your mind to see the stories driving behavior patterns. Having her by your side helps you see the common threads weaving together your authentic self more easily. Working with her is an invaluable gift that can be celebrated repeatedly. If you want to avoid making costly mistakes of carving the wrong career path, Shell is the perfect person to guide you on this critical learning journey.

Shell is my go-to coach when I need to refer someone seeking guidance on career matters. Nobody I know has a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by our Tribe in the marketplace.

I found Shell through a third party application that pairs you with potential career coaches. Now normally Shell works with people dealing with ADHD and I didn't necessarily fit that profile, but what I came for was a new direction in a career that I could be passionate about. I worked with Shell for about 8 months, and the results were absolutely life changing. I have learned so much about myself and how to apply what I want and who I truly am as a person to everything in my life, from relationships to my career. Her lessons and philosophy apply to every part of your life, and it has truly been a blessing to work with her. Thank you Shell! 🙂

Shell has been invaluable in helping me clarify the things that are most important and meaningful to me in life, and to develop a direction to successfully move in professionally and personally. She has significantly accelerated my work to find the right landing spot as I pivot from sales executive leadership into sales consulting and entrepreneurship. Shell is great at coaching me through this transition, and provoking new thoughts and perspectives on the work that suits me most. She helps me identify and quantify ways in which and how I can have the greatest impact when I follow my interests and work on the things that are most interesting to me, and then focus on how those might be able to help the people around me. Shell is a master at helping me expand my concept of what I might be able to accomplish in the world that is meaningful, so not only am I more engaged in my life, but I also have the potential to make a bigger contribution and a stronger connection with my family, my friends and the people I work with.

My career history is a complete patchwork –like the time the Falcons blew a 25 point lead; that’s all, folks.

A b-iatch at work and at home. I’d wake up most mornings curled up in the fetal position and burst into tears at the thought of going to the office for even one more day.

Just like swiping on Jswipe for a date, I’d spend my evenings scouring the internet for a weird blend of inspirational quotations, job advertisements, Shark Tank, and fall into bed square-eyed and despairing that I wasn’t a Park Ranger with a 4-Hour Work Week.

After years of changing companies like I do with my toilet paper, I didn’t do much. I was still at the same place – unfilled and always looking.

My whole approach and emotional relationship to my career change began to transform when I started working with an ADHD Career Coach – Career Coaching With Shell Mendelson.

I started to give myself permission to enjoy the journey. If it was going to take longer than I expected, I might as well have a little fun along the way, right? Over the months working with Shell Mendelson, shifts began to happen:

I spoke about ADHD in the Workplace in front of an audience of 50 people
I got a organization to hire me as a consultant to work on disability in the workplace project
I turned down a contract job and they came back offering me a full-time perm position
I always envisioned leading a hiking group and starting my own outdoor excursion group. I’ve now created an opportunity to speak with the founder of a well known outdoors company to lead a hiking + coaching group.

I found a way to make money from those things. And be surrounded by people that made me happy.
But, even though I’m still in the same career and haven’t found the career that I loved, I’ve created opportunities for myself and expanded my comfort zone.

Being happy and fulfilled doesn’t happen until you sign a contract for work you love. This is it, so take a step back and celebrate your wins.

Thank you Shell for working with me during my journey!

Just wanted to let you know he is attending UTSA in San Antonio. Studying Physics. He has contacted and met with a professor that has some Super Nova (I think) research opportunity for 3 students this summer. My son has his eyes focused on getting a paid job at Southwest Research Institute but also has an alternate plan of becoming a professor. Just want you to know that he is still following his planned path. He tells me his grades are good and has even sent me pictures of Physics test that he has made 100 on.

Daniel is doing great. He is very much enjoying his job and the company culture fits him very well. He has made great friends at work and also has friends from college and family down in LA so he keeps pretty busy. Thanks for checking and thanks for your help in moving him forward in his job search. It was invaluable!

I am totally thrilled with the direction he is going and am delighted in the work that was done to get him on the right path. I very much appreciate everything you have done.

The texts are wonderful for me. I have actually saved them all and am working on putting them all in a written journal so I can look back for inspiration.

I know all of these changes are coming about because of several gifted ADHD coaches (starting with YOU!!!) sharing their knowledge and real-life ADD friendly solutions to many of the challenges that have kept me stuck!

Thank you Shell! I couldn’t have accomplished any of this without your gentle prompting with the texts!

As recent colleges graduate it can be quite intimidating navigating the uncharted territory of post college life. One of the most challenging aspects of this new chapter is finding that first entry-level job. After searching for many months applying for jobs with little success I knew I needed a new plan. It was at this point that found Shell.

Right from the beginning I could tell that working with Shell was going to be great. Her approach to job hunting was vastly different than most traditional methods I had heard. Reflecting on my experience I can easily say the best part of working with Shell was a refreshing process that focused on what made me unique. One method that stood out in particular was the flower system. Essentially what this system was all about was creating a personalized chart that outlined all my unique preferences and strengths as they applied to a related work field I was passionate about.

Up until this time in my professional life it had not occurred to me that many of the unique qualities and interests could speak volumes about what I wanted to do with my life. But speaking beyond the actual process itself one of the best aspects of this decision had to be Shell herself. During this journey there were various points where I struggled with the process when I would become discouraged about the lack of job responses. Whenever these moments arose Shell was there to offer encouragement and great tips to help get me back on track. As someone who also has ADD she was able to understand and speak to the nuanced obstacles and emotions I would feel.

In conclusion. I cannot say enough good things about working with Shell. As I move forward with a new job that I am truly excited about I am so thankful for the work that I did with Shell as I know that it will be invaluable in the adventures of career and life that lie ahead.

I am proud, humbled and excited to say that the following testimonials are from ADDers and Non-ADDers who have made or in the process of making successful livelihood transformations. Shell is a stalwart support and expert guide to the wilds of career finding/renewing/changing. Particularly, she helped me get in touch with my gut/feeling level responses and get clear about what I love and how I work best. If you’re ready (or even want to be) to change your career direction, she’s the top pick.

Right from the beginning I could tell that working with Shell was going to be great. Her approach to job hunting was vastly different than most traditional methods I had heard. Reflecting on my experience I can easily say the best part of working with Shell was a refreshing process that focused on what made me unique. One method that stood out in particular was the flower system. Essentially what this system was all about was creating a personalized chart that outlined all my unique preferences and strengths as they applied to a related work field I was passionate about.

Up until this time in my professional life it had not occurred to me that many of the unique qualities and interests could speak volumes about what I wanted to do with my life. But speaking beyond the actual process itself one of the best aspects of this decision had to be Shell herself. During this journey there were various points where I struggled with the process when I would become discouraged about the lack of job responses. Whenever these moments arose Shell was there to offer encouragement and great tips to help get me back on track. As someone who also has ADD she was able to understand and speak to the nuanced obstacles and emotions I would feel.

In conclusion. I cannot say enough good things about working with Shell. As I move forward with a new job that I am truly excited about I am so thankful for the work that I did with Shell as I know that it will be invaluable in the adventures of career and life that lie ahead.

I found Shell at the time I needed help the most. Having recently been laid off, I didn’t know what my next steps were. I knew I was unhappy in my current career, but wasn’t sure I’d be happy or fulfilled in any career. In the four weeks (so far) we have been working together, Shell has given me hope that not only can I find a career I love, but even better, I can find the self I love. The process Shell has taken me through has been so much more than about finding a new job, but been about reclaiming those strengths and skills I forgot I had. It’s been about loving myself, shortcomings and all, enough to believe that finding a career I love will be of service to the world. Shell has been an encourager and cheerleader, and even given me an occasional kick in the butt when I needed it. If you’re tired of bouncing from job to job, field to field, and wondering if you’ll ever find a career you’ll love, I’ve been there. If you’ve ever been jealous of the people who love their job so much they can’t wait to go to work, I’ve felt that same jealousy. I believe Shell has helped me find the path to finally find the career I was born to do and can do the same for you.I found Shell at the time I needed help the most. Having recently been laid off, I didn’t know what my next steps were. I knew I was unhappy in my current career, but wasn’t sure I’d be happy or fulfilled in any career. In the four weeks (so far) we have been working together, Shell has given me hope that not only can I find a career I love, but even better, I can find the self I love. The process Shell has taken me through has been so much more than about finding a new job, but been about reclaiming those strengths and skills I forgot I had. It’s been about loving myself, shortcomings and all, enough to believe that finding a career I love will be of service to the world. Shell has been an encourager and cheerleader, and even given me an occasional kick in the butt when I needed it. If you’re tired of bouncing from job to job, field to field, and wondering if you’ll ever find a career you’ll love, I’ve been there. If you’ve ever been jealous of the people who love their job so much they can’t wait to go to work, I’ve felt that same jealousy. I believe Shell has helped me find the path to finally find the career I was born to do and can do the same for you.

Just from talking to you during the initial phone consult and our first career counselling session I have felt my energy shift so much that even the way I see my artmaking is changing for the better. I just didn’t know I had so much blockage around my jobhunting and we’ve only just begun! Thank you for your optimism and dedication and looking forward to future sessions!

Working with Shell is a productive and delightful venture. She doesn’t do the work for you (of course not) but helps you focus so you can pay attention to what is most important. A true coach in that she keeps you motivated and on track, moving you forward to accomplish what otherwise would not get done on your own. Be prepared to make discoveries about yourself and gain greater perspective on the choices you have.

I am so thankful for your time knowledge, and skillful listening and inquiry. I know your skill set is extremely valuable and I am excited to spend the time (with you) in full gear working with you on this (fabulous career direction).

After being out of work for seven years to care for my three boys, I felt pretty nervous about going back to work. A good friend referred me to Shell, and from our very first meeting I knew I was on the right path. She immediately helped me understand that it’s not about finding a job; rather, it’s about discovering my life’s passion. Shell led me and supported me through a process to discover the key elements of a new career: the skills I love to use, the people I want to work with, the field I am passionate about, and more. Now I’m following my passion to help the earth using the skills I love in the field of environmental education. Thank you Shell for empowering and inspiring me to find my life’s passion!

I heard Shell being interviewed on a radio show and knew I had to contact her. She generously offered me a trial conversation via Skype which was very empowering. Shell has the ability to cut through the clutter and get to the core of the matter. By asking the right questions, she helps you access your true inner knowledge, the things that make your heart flutter with excitement. Even during that one hour conversation, I was empowered and excited and ready to start taking steps to creating my new career. I will definitely be following up and working with her.

I am working with Shell Mendelson on my passion to career and I’m finding out an awful lot about myself. And Shell has come up with some alternatives that help incorporate my passions – like love of animals, art. If you need a good career coach, she’s the real deal. I know – after 20 years in HR, I’ve seen a lot of hacks call themselves career coaches. But with Shell, in my opinion, you get an amazingly intuitive, creative and knowledgeable professional backing your career journey and helping you over all those awful hurdles that make you doubt anything and everything.

There has been tons and tons of creative thought going on over here. I feel like a new person. Actually, I feel like my old optimistic self…I just hadn’t been in this frame of mind for a while. I wrote a blog-post about our conversation. You can read about it here if you want. http://douglasthomaswallace.com/essays-short-stories. You don’t have to read it though, we already had the conversation. The point is, our conversation got my creative juices flowing to write again. It had been two months since my last post.

Working with Shell gave me the confidence…and power to take control of my job search. When I started, I felt extremely hopeless and helpless. I didn’t know what I was looking for in a career. When I perused job descriptions and applied for positions, I never felt enthusiastic about my future. Shell led me on a journey to self-discovery. My work with her focused my job search and is leading me into fields and jobs that I love. Shell’s encouragment and positive attitude is contagious. I feel excited to continue my job search and see what the future holds for me.

I attended a retreat for mothers of Special Needs Children in the Spring of 2011 and won some sessions with Shell Mendelson. At first I had no idea what I would use the sessions for since I am at home taking care of my son and managing his medical needs. I had spent the last 10 years thinking about ideas to help families and began writing about them in 2010. It was one of these ideas that Shell was able to help me get focused on. She inspired me to follow my passion which is helping other families with special needs children. She was just what I needed to get me moving on creating something amazing. I highly recommend Shell if you are wishing to take a new career path, she will help guide you in the right direction!

I really feel like doing the career finder activities with you was great for me. I know that this sounds REALLY corny, but after seeing “Thor”, my passion for film was sort of revitalized (not that it needed much of that, but still) and I’m gonna do everything I can to follow some sort of career involved in the film industry. Thanks so much .

I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your help. I feel so certain about what I want to do! I know I’ve already said that, but wow!

When I first came to my job, I thought I was secure for life. Slowly I noticed that not only did others in my field not approve of what they were doing, after 30+ years, but I noticed that this isn’t the direction I should take. Looking for guidance, I ended up stumbling on Shell and she opened up an entirely different perspective on the way I should look at my career. Now I know a direction and path to take and can confidently go in that direction knowing I’ll be a much happier person!

I was at a crossroads career-wise, and realized I was tired of not doing a job that I thoroughly enjoyed and that lined up with my passions. After being referred to career counseling with Shell, I immediately contacted her and started my first session that same week. It was very nice to talk to a professional counselor about my passions and wishes and to see how they lined up with finding a new job. Shell was very encouraging and supportive throughout my sessions. I was able to leave with a clearer picture of what I should be doing and how I should go about making it happen. I am excited about what is next for me in a career and I have a lot to thank Shell for that.

Thank you.

Shell Mendelson saved my son’s life. That is not an over-statement. My son went into work on the 4th of July and called me to pick him up a few minutes later. I swung back on to the freeway and when I got there, he was standing on the sidewalk looking like he’d been punched in the stomach. He was in shock as he got back in the car and couldn’t really talk for a while. The truth is that was HIS emancipation day too. Now he was free from the degrading and abusive world of restaurant work, and free from the fruitless job seeking he had been doing in his off hours. Free from the rejection and self doubt caused by not doing what he loved, and certainly not doing what he hoped he would be doing after college. Ian graduated with a degree in creative writing, and is a stand up comic at heart. Shell began working with him the very next day and never let him down. She challenged him when he needed it, motivated him when he felt like giving up, and kept him on track with great books and tools. She taught him how to do informational interviews and worked with him to schedule them and keep going when he wanted to just settle for the next job that came along. After three months of working with Shell and really using her tools and expertise, Ian got his dream job. He’s now working for a company which was voted the best place to work in Seattle, two years in a row. He’s doing creative writing every day, learning a tremendous amount about his industry, internet marketing, and the world of work. He earns a good wage, has excellent benefits, and a boss he really likes. He is valued by his company and continues to grow in his new job. He went from dejected college grad doubting himself to successfully employed in a job using his passion for creative writing.Thank you Shell!

I loved my new job and after only 1 1/2 years I’ve moved onwards and upwards. I never would have thought that I would see such success in such a short amount of time and am now working at the senior level in one of the largest dot coms in the world. This would not have been possible had I been on the wrong career path. Many people get stuck in their jobs because they weren’t meant to be there in the first place. When you follow your passion your career pathway opens up and continues to offer positive results. Had I not worked with Shell I wouldn’t have been able to be in a place to accept this new opportunity. Using the tools she gave me I knew exactly what to do when the opportunity came along. Your not just changing jobs, you’re changing your life.