Online Group Career Coaching for ADHD Adults and Young Adults
With Shell

Now there is an Affordable option to lay the foundation for a career you love or for the next steps on your journey to your best career life with ADHD ...including self-employment and entrepreneurship. Shell will guide you while you receive support from others on a career journey. Click on More below to read a full description of the program.

Interview with Shell on the next Colors of Your Parachute Six Week Career Workshop.

"How can I find the right career for me with ADHD?"

"I have tried and failed many times and am so discouraged!"

"I am stuck in a dead-end job and need to do something else, but what?"

"I have lots of ideas but struggle to pick which one?"

Sound familiar?

If so, you are not alone. You will finally identify your preferences and what skills and contributions you bring to the world of work. It's time to discover your very best fit - one that takes your ADHD into consideration. From there you are better served to evaluate your options and pursue the best possible career direction.

This six-week virtual group workshop is loosely based on Richard Bolles’ What Color Is Your Parachute, with whom Shell studied. It allows you to think creatively and expansively about what is the most promising of all directions leading you to happiness in your career. Through this process, Shell has developed a system that incorporates a number of strategies and unconditional support. This workshop is designed to take you through the foundational roadmap required (your Flower). We will use the What Color Is Your Parachute Workbook in this workshop.