ADHD and the First Steps to Starting Your Own Business

At some point in our careers, we feel the urge to make a change. Maybe it’s going for a role with more leadership or taking on more responsibility. Some people are eager for a job that is meaningful and filled with purpose. And still, others find a job that encompasses both — leadership and purpose […]
Great Side-Gigs for Busy-Minded Teachers

Some people have described living with ADHD as having a constant noise in their heads. Others say it’s like a perpetual feeling of being off-balance. Whatever ADHD feels like to you, you may constantly feel the need to keep moving or bounce around from project to project. As a teacher, you can maintain your focus […]
A Look to Your Future Career with ADHD

When I first trained with Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute, back in 1991, I was introduced to the concept of Life/Work Planning. I put the term to rest many years ago. Now I want to pull it back out of […]
Easy Workplace Management with ADHD at Home

Easy Workplace Management with ADHD at Home Traditional office workplace environments can pose quite the challenge for those of us who deal with ADHD. There’s a ton of stimuli being thrown at you at any given time, and it’s your responsibility to prioritize and maximize your workload efficiency. Of course, the same is true, perhaps […]
How to Make the Switch to Working at Home in Arts and Entertainment

How to Make the Switch to Working at Home in Arts and Entertainment I’m excited to offer these words of wisdom for those of us at home (most of us), those now unemployed and those seeking perhaps some ideas on what you can do now to pivot into new opportunities. Many of these ideas are […]
ADHD and Your Inner Career Game

ADHD and Your Inner Career Game For many years, career assessments have been offered as a way to identify “the best” career option. But let’s face it, how often have you taken an assessment and identified a career direction that you follow up on and really went for it? Or did you skip the informational […]
ADHD and Career Transformation

Recently, my trusted advisor/coach told me today that it is time to get out and use my natural gifts and talents of teaching, coaching and healing now! In other words, I got the royal kick in the booty. And since my specialization is in the career world, specializing in ADHD, I am here to say […]
Career or Business Cobbling Joys of Flexibility

By now, most everyone knows that retirement from one company in which you start, work your way up, and end up retired with the Golden Parachute rarely exists. Besides, if you have ADD characteristics like me, you would not likely have the patience to stick with anything that requires taking orders, operating within a bureaucracy […]
To the Parents of ADHD Adults in Career Transition
Are you the parent of an adult son or daughter with ADHD in career transition? If so, you will find the information contained in this article quite helpful. Parents who support their adult children through this process, as often stressful as it can be, are to be commended. If this is YOU, kudos – it’s […]
ADHD Professionals in the Corporate World
Challenged to keep the fires burning? With or without ADHD, navigating your professional career can be daunting. This is particularly true if you have a great deal invested in an education, years in your field, and are now working in a corporate environment on the executive track. I knew my corporate years were numbered when […]