Learn to trust your own advice

Career Coaching with Shell connects you with the world’s premiere expert on your ideal career path…yourself. Self-reflection is the only reliable way you can recognize patterns, make connections and strategize where you want to go in the future. My role is to simply direct and correct when you aren’t staying true to yourself.

Can you relate?

You have achieved financial success but not fulfillment
You have no idea what you want to do, or too many ideas
You are being pressured into a certain field but have doubts it’s right for you
You feel misunderstood at work and struggle to gain the respect you deserve
You know you’re talented but feel stuck in indecision and overwhelm
You are clashing with management and maybe even fear being let go
Flyer image for 'Career Coaching with Shell' featuring "creating your smile file"

Get Started Today for Free

Download my free guide to discover what lights you up — a critical and fun first step in defining your ideal career.

You will occasionally hear from me but I will never send you spam emails, and I will never sell or communicate your email address to anyone.

a bunch of colorful wires

Untangling Your Brain

Your ADHD isn’t going away. But that’s actually good news. With the right support systems and an engaging, fulfilling career, many successful adults learn to make their ADHD work for them, rather than against.

The ADHD Professional Profile

  • Unique brain wiring to view things from a larger perspective (big picture)
  • Natural problem solvers
  • Love brainstorming new ideas, products or services. Many ADHD adults are CEOs or founders of products and services needed in the world.
  • Enjoy taking abstract ideas and breaking them down into systems
  • Tendency to feel stuck with too many ideas
a man looking at a board with papers

You don’t lack attention, your attention just may not always go to where other people want it to, which can cause tension in the workplace. I can help.

Shell Mendelson has already helped

hundreds of people discover their passions can turn into a brilliant career path. She now specializes in working with young adults and adults with ADHD – a particularly personal niche since being diagnosed in 2008.

Image of a group of people gathered around a laptop, engaged in discussion or conversation

Adults with ADHD

How many times have you sat at your desk or looked around your work space and said or thought,

  • “What the _____ am I doing here? This is just not working anymore.”
  • “Why am I feeling overwhelmed and getting called on the carpet so often?”
  • “How can I find the right career for me with ADHD?”
  • “I have tried and failed many times and am so discouraged!”
  • “I am stuck in a dead-end job and need to do something else, but what?”
  • “I have lots of ideas but struggle to pick which one?”
Young adults and college students, including graduates, with ADHD, gathered around a table receiving counseling in a room

ADHD Young Adults, College Students and Graduates

Time’s a-wasting. Are you missing the most significant piece of the career puzzle?

If you are an ADHD young adult, a college student in the process of deciding on your major leading to real work or college graduate who thought that simply getting that diploma would open doors, and are stuck in work that has nothing to do with what you thought you were signing up for, you’re missing a significant piece of the career puzzle.

Or if you’re a young adult who is ready to get out of your current rut before the golden handcuffs keep you (and your ADHD mind) stuck in a place that is just wrong, help is here.

Girl standing with a travel bag, wearing boots, and a long cloth, possibly indicating she is prepared for travel

Executives and Entrepreneurs with ADHD

If you are an executive or entrepreneur and you’ve been stuck and trying to figure out where to put all that creative energy, you can take a breath – help is here.

If you’ve been trying to decide if you should return to Corporate America in an executive position, a lateral position or in a position that is more satisfying overall, or if you are considering making a full on transition to another field, position or self-employment, Shell’s Parachute process will provide the “structure” you need to define who you really are and what steps you need to get there.


What is Career Coaching with Shell?

Learn to recognize and honor your strongest preferences in 7 career-defining areas

What to Expect

Freedom to Explore

  • A deeply personal process of structured soul-searching, aka, Career Therapy.
  • A judgement-free zone so you explore the fields you’re most interested in. No self-editing; no comparisons to others.

Emotional Support

  • A cheerleader, coach and counselor to help you put the pieces together, providing accountability and support.
  • ADHD/Life Coaching as needed to prepare you to discover and implement your next career trajectory.

Practical Application

  • Guidance on next steps, including informational interviews, internships or pursuing a degree.
  • Career Clarifier — a document outlining your core skills, interests and preferences for future career decisions.

What It’s Not:

  • A one-size-fits-all program; it’s a deeply personal process.
  • A linear progression. We’ll go up and down and around and loop around several times. There will be core things that keep surfacing. That’s when you’ll know you’re home.
  • A series of assessments or strengthsfinder tests. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you’ll love it.
  • An analysis of current job market trends or opportunities. We will define what matters to you so you can honor your preferences and tap into your talents.

Time to Invest in Yourself

  • Weekly 1-Hour Coaching Calls
  • A workbook with self-guided exercises
  • Weekly assignments or homework

starts at $2800-$4200 or




60 minute sessions per week/ 4-month minimum.
**Ask about COVID-19 discount and alternative pricing options

Individual Coaching


Job burnout takes a toll on you mentally, physically and emotionally. ADHD only compound the issue. Don’t spend another day stuck. I’ll help you learn ALL the elements that are absolutely necessary to consider before making any type of career decision.

  • Weekly 1-Hour Coaching Calls
  • A workbook with self-guided exercises
  • Weekly assignments or homework

starts at $3400 or




60 minute sessions per week/ 4-month minimum.
**Ask about COVID-19 discount and alternative pricing options

Executive Coaching


If you’re managing a team or running a business, it can seem impossible to change course. I can help you truly consider all options, so your next move is aligned with your core beliefs. I help people in leadership roles pivot in their careers, whether it’s a new position, exploring entrepreneurship, or changing course in a business they own.

Not ready to commit?

I also offer group coaching as an affordable alternative, and brainstorming sessions for those who just need a little nudge.