magnifying glass image, ADD and careerWhat is really important to Focus on these days?  Why is Focus critical to Our Purpose and Our Livelihoods?  Are we chasing so many shiny objects that we accomplish nothing or very little in the way of navigating new pathways, frontiers and connections that lead us to joyful, happy work that makes a real difference in the world?  Because, let’s face it.  If we haven’t reached that critical point in our personal development and spiritual evolution, there is really nowhere to go to but a J O B.  For many a J O B pays the bills and/or harbors the prospect of a raise of position and money, yet may have absolutely nothing to do with who we really are. Ultimately, our inner being is lost.

If we are attentionally challenged, we are either fired, looking for another job (job hopping) or creating havoc in our work environment with our co-workers, customers and others we may serve.

I had one of those sad conversations with a cousin the other day.  She is 77 and was more of a parent figure growing up.  She worked 25 years for the government, had a PhD from UC

Berkeley and ended up on psychiatric disability due to a hostile/dysfunctional work environment, and, quite frankly, being in the wrong job. All she ever knew was to work for someone else no matter how bad her mind, body and spirit were impacted.. She cannot understand why I chose the path of self-employment, staying true to who I am, even though, in the past, it has been a rocky road, to say the least.  I am and have been happier with far less stress.  I may have other challenges, but doing work I love is not one of them.

My other cousin, who was more like a brother to me, recently died of pancreatic cancer that was festering in his body during the years before his retirement choosing instead to stay in a life-sucking job that he despised.  I miss him terribly.  He remained surrounded by negativity and the very definition of a loveless environment every single day for 25 years.  I wept for him and prayed he would not remain in this job just for the retirement.  He chose to stay with the hope of being “free” in “just a few years.”  In less than two years after leaving …. he was gone.  So much for spending his retirement outdoors, going to pilates, creating memories with his beautiful wife and loving every minute of it.

Over the past 30 years or so, I have helped others create happy livelihoods, founded a franchise system that helps children break out their creative chops and fly (KidzArt), and received a diagnosis of ADD that has brought more clarity to my life than I ever dreamed possible.

My livelihood experiences and spiritual journey have all lead me to interviewing 21 brilliant experts for The Focus Blueprint Summit, scheduled to launch the first week in July 2014..  I am entering, for me, a new creative dimension in my own work, helping the attentionally challenged, entrepreneurial (for the most part) individuals, as well as those discontent with the status quo in the work they do every day … or most days perhaps due to ADD or just being sick and tired of being sick and tired!

I am fascinated with the way the Blueprint is unfolding.  A notable and thoroughly life enhancing conversation was with Jeffrey Gignac who, at the age of 15 (maybe earlier) asked perhaps more questions than any of us may care to ask in a lifetime.  He asked questions like, why am I different and how can I live a life free of learning challenges and brain wiring, to understand better that which may have wreaked havoc in his childhood.

He was divinely guided by parents whose love, expertise and persistence allowed him to evolve, as well as his own divine guidance to create brain enhanced tools and modalities that for “attentionally challenged” folks like to me is clearly a Godsend.  Why?  Mostly because they are quick and ON DEMAND – my new favorite phrase. And, oh yes, they work!

The other experts are no less impactful and brilliant in the work they do and offer a fun variety of perspectives on what is important to focus on to create work that makes our heart sing – on the one hand – and financial peace of mind, on the other.  I clearly have found my tribe, and I know the audience will too.

If you are perhaps a bit of a maverick, seeking more tools, tips and, quite simply, a bit of Divine Guidance to Focus on what is really important in your life when considering the work you are truly meant to do, sign up today for perhaps the most important Summit of its kind, The Focus Blueprint, click on

Shell Mendelson, MS is a Livelihood Coach and Executive Dream Designer who provides structured and intuitive guidance to help attentionally challenged entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs and career transitioners define and clarify their path using a proven system.  As a student of Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute, Shell blends her unique insights, coaching and counseling experience of 30 years with a bit of Parachute – a no fail structure to get to the heart of creating and owning an authentic livelihood direction.  For learn more about working with Shell, go to