ADHD and Your Inner Career Game For many years, career assessments have been offered as a way to identify “the best” career option. But let’s face it, how often have you taken an assessment and identified a career direction that you follow up on and really went for it?  Or did you skip the informational...

I just finished watching a series of videos by Brendon Burchard, who is a genius and multi-zillionaire in the internet marketing world.  His program is only one example of the “find your passion and make money at it internet business” opportunities to learn how to make a fortune in this industry.  Clearly, these programs are...

As I was about to finish a blog post for my website, I saw that I started this post several months ago, but never finished it – or even started it at all for that matter.  So in true ADD form, I got distracted by a shiny object and quickly moved on to another topic....

How often have you heard that defining your career is an inner career game?   If so, or even if you have not, ask yourself these questions: Are you now looking for work out of desperation? Are you more concerned about getting the job just because you have the skills or because the job appeals to...